Saturday, February 22, 2014

Coming Travels

Our household is going to be very busy in the coming weeks, and contrary to our typical business oriented posts, we've decided to make things a bit more personal.  The idea of the blog is to share outdoor and travel experiences...So that's exactly what we'll do!

I don't know if I've mentioned before, but I'm a college student.  Let me tell you, it is just as hard as they say to go back as an adult, and to do well/graduate:  Sometimes it all seems quite impossible!  Thus making spring break that much more appealing!  We have chosen to spend my break this year on our first backpacking trip.  Since thru hiking the AT is a bucket list item for us, we figured we should probably get some miles under our packs.  So in barely over a month, we'll spend our first nights on the trail (Benton MacKaye).  We are so, so excited!  An experienced coworker of mine will be joining us, which calms my nerves just a bit.

And as if our first nights backpacking weren't enough...I'll be visiting INDIA for three weeks in the summer!  A study abroad program is making it possible for me to visit Bangalore, Goa, Mumbai, and Mysore among a small group of fellow students.  We'll be led by two faculty, one of whom is a native of the country.  I just can't wait! 

Photos will obviously follow, along with posts updating our experiences and progress.  It will be helpful for us to get some trail time to see how we'll blog in the future, when/where cell service is available, and how all of our systems work and what needs to be tweaked.

Until then...Keep on Burning!

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